Non-Music Monday: Entertainment Podcasts
Last week we rounded up news podcasts to get you up to speed on the latest headlines. This week, we’re talking about something a little lighter: entertainment. Whether you’re re-watching the classics or soaking up the latest episode of a hit new show, the picks on this list will make sure the entertainment doesn’t stop when the credits roll.
If you consider yourself obsessed with everything TV, HitFix TV critics Alan Sepinwall and Daniel Fienberg have you covered in “Firewall & Iceberg”. Tune in each week as they “take the problems of television way too seriously and the problems of the world way too lightly,” reviewing episodes and seasons from the hottest shows on television, from Game of Thrones to True Detective.
Since 1974, “Prairie Home Companion” has been a staple on public radio stations across the country. Today, nearly 4 million people tune in each week to hear new stories and performances by Garrison Keillor, the author and radio host who has popularized a fictional town in Minnesota called Lake Wobegon. In the podcast series “A Prairie Home Companion’s News from Lake Wobegon” Keillor serves up a condensed version of his on-air tales, skits and musical performances in monologue form.http://www.iheart.com/show/19880234/
Summertime and blockbuster movies go hand-in-hand. Keep the excitement going after you’ve left the theater with “Slate’s Spoiler Specials”. In each episode, Slate’s film critic Dana Stevens brings in special guests like BuzzFeed’s features editor to discuss all the plot holes and topics you’re eager to hear about from films like Inside Out and Trainwreck. Listen to a few episodes and you’ll be a blockbuster trivia whiz in no time.