Non-Music Monday: I Work Out Edition
Last week we stepped up your free time game with podcasts all about games and hobbies. Today we want to talk about your health, wellness and fitness. Have you ever heard of CrossFit? What about life hacks? If you’re curious, we’ve got you covered. Of course, your health is not just about how much you can lift or how you can upgrade your wellness routine. To be truly healthy, it helps to know the science behind your body. So grab your yoga mat, put on some sunscreen and start the journey to a healthier you!
Are you one of the millions who love CrossFit? Maybe you’re curious about signing up or simply fascinated by the athleticism of this fitness trend. Either way, you should definitely check out the WODcast Podcast. Each week, fitness professionals from the world of CrossFit sit down and chat about anything and everything fitness. They host some of the biggest names in the field including CrossFit Games athletes, fitness coaches and experts.
Get your wellness on with Mayo Clinic Radio. The five-day-a-week, one-minute-long health segments help you understand which sunscreen to buy and why your allergies are so bad in the spring. This show breaks down the mysteries behind health and wellness using an easy-to-understand, quick and friendly approach.http://www.iheart.com/show/206-Bulletproof-Radio/
Join Dave Asprey, Founder and CEO of Bulletproof, on his journey to hack a better life on Bulletproof Radio. From jet lag to toxic mold, each podcast answers the question: “what are the simplest things you can do to be better at everything?” And trust us—he means everything from his popular butter-infused, IQ- and energy-boosting Bulletproof Coffee to getting a better night’s sleep and how to be an all-around healthier human. Expect interviews with thought leaders on topics like health, wellness, relationships and more.