Tune into iHeartHealth Podcast To Inspire Mental, Physical and Financial Wellbeing
The world we live in can, at times, be stressful, fast paced, and overwhelming. It’s important to slow down and prioritize your overall well being, from mental to physical health. For those in need of a reminder to slow down and check-in with themselves, tune into iHeart’s newest original podcast slate focused on all aspects of health, iHeartHealth.The slate contains podcasts focused on managing stresses, forming better financial habits, balancing your diet, and more more, to get listeners on a positive circuit.
For those looking for fitness motivation and expert insight, the iHeartHealth podcast features tips from ‘Fitness Disrupted with Tom Holland’. The show digs into topics in exercise, nutrition and motivation, debunking the myths and misconceptions while giving actionable advice you can use right away. Hosted by Tom, an internationally-recognized fitness expert, author and elite endurance athlete with three decades of experience in the fitness industry, he makes sense of the science so you can finally reach your fullest potential.
On the mental well being side, iHeartHealth features ‘On Purpose with Jay Shetty’ with insight on how to break habits and let go of things in your life that no longer serve you. We all have unwanted habits in our lives, with no idea how to break them. Host, Jay, shares simple yet doable ways to gradually break free from unwanted habits to form new and meaningful ones.
‘Dropping Gems with Devi Brown’, from iHeartRadio’s Black Effect Podcast Network, is focused on nourishing our spirits and falling in love with the best version of ourselves. In an episode with Ryan Mundy, Founder & CEO of Alkeme Health Co. a digital health company with a mission to become the universal healthcare provider for the Black community, Ryan discusses feeling at a crossroads following the end of his football career. After seeking therapy, Ryan dedicated his life to making therapeutic resources more regularly available for all.
Wellness comes in all forms, it’s important to take time throughout our days and busy schedules to check in with ourselves in order to avoid burnout. Tune into iHeartHealth for inspiration, advice and a reminder to prioritize your overall well being.