Happy National Census Day! iHeartRadio Is Partnering With The 2020 Census To Make Sure Every U.S. Citizen Participates.
Happy National Census Day! If you think the U.S. Census is just another questionnaire sent out by the federal government, you’re wrong. It’s a very important form of data collection that can ultimately determine congressional representation, draw state legislative districts and inform federal funding. For example, responses can dictate funding for critical services like hospitals and clinics, schools, parks, roads and bridges. And since the U.S. only conducts a census once every ten years, why not make time to participate?
To be sure that every American citizen understands why this questionnaire is so important, we’re launching the iHeartRadio Census Day campaign. Today, and in partnership with the U.S. Census Bureau, iHeartRadio is running a full day of census-related programming. This will include hourly historical facts and statistics, ads from the U.S. Census Bureau and a nationwide “roadblock” of inspirational music across 610 of iHeartRadio’s stations in 119 markets. Listeners can enjoy uplifting fan favorites such as “We are the Champions” by Queen, “Can’t Stop the Feeling” by Justin Timberlake, “Just to See You Smile” by Tim McGraw and “Higher” by DJ Khaled, John Legend and Nipsey Hussle today at noon.
What’s more, Steve Harvey will be interviewing Michael C. Cook from the U.S. Census Bureau to talk about why this data collection is so important and what the census can do for local communities.
“We conduct a count of the U.S. population every 10 years and are excited to have iHeartRadio as a partner to let the public know that the 2020 Census is easy, safe and important,” said Michael C. Cook, Chief of the Public Information Office at the U.S. Census Bureau. “We are committed to a complete and accurate count and so far, responses from households nationwide show that the public is, too.”
The iHeartRadio Census Day campaign will run from 6 AM to 9 PM local time across the country today. It will underscore how, through the census, every American citizen has a chance to shape the future of their community. Listeners can learn more at www.2020census.gov.
Check your mail and fill out your census application today—and Happy National Census Day!