Podcast Spotlight: Looking for a New Show to Listen To? Here’s What’s New in Podcasts This Week!
With so many podcasts being made today, it’s hard to keep up. Luckily, with the help of iHeartRadio’s Podcast Spotlight, you can find something new to listen to every week. Here’s the latest on our iHeartPodcasts including new seasons and episodes:
True crime favorite “The Girlfriends” is back for Season 2! In Season 1, the amateur ladies detective club told the story of how a group of incredible women came together to bring down one bad ex-boyfriend and seek justice for the murder of Gail Katz, but there’s one part of that story that’s still a mystery. During the investigation into Gail’s case, a torso washed up on Staten Island and was misidentified as Gail. Nobody knows her name or what happened to her after she was ruled out from the case. Now, the crew is back with a new mission: to uncover the identity of this woman and finally find Our Lost Sister. “The Girlfriends: Our Lost Sister” is produced by Novel for iHeartPodcasts, with new episodes every Monday.
Ever wonder why a brief moment in time becomes an internet phenomenon? “Sixteenth Minute (of Fame)” is a weekly show from Jamie Loftus that takes a closer look at exactly how the internet’s main characters come to be. What do you do when you get more attention and judgment than any one person is built to handle? “The Sixteenth Minute (Of Fame)” investigates this every Tuesday through reporting, interviews and Jamie collapsing her permanently internet-damaged brain.
Kebe Rapaport & Michael Rapaport are bonded by their love of reality television, and are inviting you into their living room on Wednesdays for “Rapaport’s Reality” to talk tea, dissect the drama and give praise to the greatest form of entertainment on television today. They're diving into real time shows and re-watching all the biggest and the best. Go behind the ropes with the new "it couple" of the Reality World for the latest reality rundown.
Check back next week for new podcasts, seasons and episodes you won’t want to miss. And if you still want more podcasts, click over to iHeart’s Podcast Top 100 to stay up-to-date with the most popular and trending shows!