Employee Playlist of the Month: Katie Lapidus
Fall might be in full swing, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy this beach-ing playlist! Curated by Katie Lapidus, iHeartMedia’s National Digital and Text Coordinator, this eclectic mix of classic rock, country and pop is the perfect companion for a picnic on the beach—or whatever your favorite fall outing might be! Serenade yourself with sweet renditions from Harry Styles’ summer jam “Watermelon Sugar” to classics like Elton John’s “Tiny Dancer” or The Beatles “You’re Going to Lose That Girl.” No matter what you’re into, there’s something for everyone on Katie’s playlist. So check it out for yourself, and then learn more about the songs and Katie below!

How did you choose the songs on your playlist?
I am a huge classic rock, country and pop fan. I picked songs from my favorite artists in these three genres and no matter how much I listen to them, they are all songs I could never get sick of!
When do you listen to this playlist most?
This playlist is my ideal beach playlist. My favorite place to be is on the sand looking at the ocean, add some music to that equation and you’re set!
Who is your dream artist to meet and why?
My dream artist to meet would be Harry Styles. I was a huge one direction fan and absolutely love his solo stuff. He’s literally perfect - who wouldn’t want to be in his presence?
Can you share your most memorable music moment experience?
I’ve had a ton of amazing music experiences while working here at iHeartRadio but my most memorable music moment experience would be when my entire family went to see “Billy Joel’s Last Play At Shea.” I was only ten years old but I absolutely lost it when Paul McCartney came out as a surprise guest. It was the first time I’ve ever seen a Beatle live and as a massive Beatles fan, I couldn’t contain my emotions and started hysterical crying.
What is the best part about working at iHeartRadio?
100% the people and culture. Everyone here looks out for one another and wants to see each other flourish and everyone makes it such an enjoyable place to work.
A fun fact about myself is…
A fun fact about myself is that I’ve done voiceovers for TV commercials since I was 5 years old!